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Branding and Marketing

Have you ever thought about what is branding and marketing? If you have, it is a question that many in the industry have. For business people and marketers, these two concepts are paramount to the knowledge that ensures success. Both concepts are pivotal in creating your presence in the marketplace and the creation of an extended customer base. Understanding how branding and marketing relate to one another—while knowing how to distinguish between the two—will help you to put together strategies that will work remarkably well for your digital marketing company and business, thus aiding in its sustained growth. 

This article will delve into the specifics of branding versus marketing, defining the scope of each and answering the all-important question: which comes first?

What is Branding?

Branding describes who you are as a company. It is branding’s core identity, essence, and personality. Branding goes well beyond a logo or tagline; it revolves around the values, mission, and principles your company upholds. Your brand is how you are seen in the market, the things that set you apart from your competitors. 

Essentially, branding seeks to establish a very specific kind of relationship with your customers. The goal of branding is to create a memorable connection that leads to emotional attachment and, possibly, long-term loyalty. Brand identity is how the customer feels when dealing with your company, in terms of products, customer services, and general experience. 

Questions to contemplate in establishing brand identity are:

  • Your core principles and values?
  • Mission statement?
  • Industrially, what makes you different?
  • How do you want people to feel when they hear about your company?
  • What company image would you like to project?

In detailing these questions, you are creating the groundwork for your brand, which will resonate well with your target audience. Once you have a sound brand identity, the way you market your product and communicate with customers will all be influenced by it. Your branding thus becomes a strategy that will guide the general direction of your company.    

What is Marketing?  

Marketing, on the other hand, is the tactical side of growing your business. It encompasses the tools, methods, and strategies with which you promote your brand and interact with your audience. Branding focuses on establishing an identity that lasts, while marketing intends to present that identity to the right people to instigate interest, engagement, and sales.   

Marketing can mean many things-from content creation to ad running to promotional events. It covers pretty much everything you do to promote your company, including traditional advertising methods such as print, television, and radio, as well as digital approaches like search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and email campaigns. 

Marketing is generally oriented toward short-term goals, whether that means getting traffic on your website, generating leads, or converting customers. Marketing strategies adapt frequently in response to consumers, market conditions, and trends. Some examples are: 

Although branding & marketing methods may share goals, they all serve their own distinct purpose in the context of an overarching brand identity that would eventually be transformed into developing a customer base and sales. The depiction of your marketing will change, and sometimes radically, but your brand identity should stay the same.

Branding vs Marketing: What’s the Difference?

Difference between Branding vs Marketing

Brand and market are fundamental to any business; that much is common ground. Where they differ is in some basic aspects: 


  • Branding defines who you are internally and provides some good emotional connection with the customer. It’s about developing trust and customer loyalty over time.
  • Marketing drives external awareness, poaching the leads, and converting potential customers into actual buyers.


  • Branding is broad and all-encompassing. It affects everything your business does; it captures your long-term vision.
  • Marketing is focused and tactical. It involves your day-to-day actions to promote your product or service.


  • Branding is long-term and continuous. It requires enduring commitment to mold how the world perceives your business over time. 
  • Marketing is short-term and result-driven. It is a series of bursts of activity designed mostly for immediate benefit or measurable response.


  • Branding is essentially constant. Once you have defined your brand, that remains; it doesn’t change based on what marketing techniques you choose to employ.
  • Marketing may be volatile. Marketing programs will change as dictated by trends, seasons, or customer feedback.

Audience Relationship

  • Branding is building relations. A strong brand earns customer trust, loyalty, and advocacy. 
  • Marketing is transaction-led. It’s all about driving customers through the sales funnel and getting very concrete business results.

Which Comes First, Branding or Marketing?


Branding or Marketing: Which Comes First

The answer is branding.

Branding must come first, as all that follows is dependent on branding. Without an identity, marketing simply goes here and there, and the target audience never sees a clear picture. Marketing efforts need proper branding to be able to communicate the values and message of the brand with clarity. 

This is why branding is done before marketing: 

  • Branding brings clarity: You identify your audience, values, and voice. To market without that clarity feels disjointed or inconsistent. 
  • Branding provides consistency: Marketing campaigns may change, but a brand stays its course. A well-defined brand assures that all marketing communications, irrespective of platform or tactic, communicate the same core values and messages.
  • Branding establishes trust: A carefully crafted brand identity encourages lasting customers. Therefore, whenever your brand delivers what it promises, customers feel a little more inclined to trust your marketing messages and pay attention to what you have to say. 


In the fight between branding and marketing, there is no such thing as one versus the other. Both are vital for any company to succeed, however, branding must come first. Branding delineates the essence of your business: its values, character, and identity, and marketing sets about the task of expressing that identity through carefully targeted campaigns. Differentiating branding from marketing and ensuring both are in collaboration will take you a long way toward building a powerful cohesive strategy for the long-term success of your establishment.

Regardless of whether you are a startup, small business, or large corporation, it always pays to take the time to define a brand before launching any marketing campaigns to ensure that all activities, in the end, will align with the overall goals. Branding and marketing, when well put together, can indeed elevate businesses and converts customers into loyal advocates.

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