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AI vs Human Intelligence

AI has traveled beyond its speculative dreams to become integrated into real life. Whereas in the past it was only seen in the sciences, now artificial intelligence has started laying down footprints within industries and across the daily lives of humans; as such, it began forming arguments between the two diametric alternatives of human intelligence and that of machines.

While the goal of artificial intelligence is to build and create intelligent systems that are capable of doing jobs that are analogous to those performed by humans, we can’t help but question whether AI is adequate on its own. This article covers AI vs Human Intelligence, including the potential impact of AI on the future of work and the economy, how AI differs from human intelligence and the ethical considerations that must be taken into account. For example, an AI digital marketing specialist will never understand the depth of emotions and feelings a human specialist will have because of the level of emotional intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

To know more about AI vs human, we need to understand AI. At its core, artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science, which aims to develop computer systems similar to human intelligence. They learn from data, make inferences, and even perform actions without human programming. But AI is neither infallible just because it is data-augmented.  While AI can perform certain tasks with precision and speed, it lacks the core elements that make human intelligence unique—intuition, creativity, and empathy.

Think of AI as a robot executing predefined commands and optimizing its tasks based on data inputs. Whether identifying something in a picture, playing chess, or suggesting something, all of them are confined within the confines set by the programming. It cannot think beyond the confines of that boundary or feel the world in the way one human mind does. For instance, an AI would suggest a certain book based on the reading or purchase history of a user but would not be able to predict how the user would feel while reading that book or what sort of emotional affinity he might form with its characters. 

What is Human Intelligence?

What is Human Intelligence? 

The AI vs human brain debate has been going around since the beginning of time however, human intelligence, is layered. It denotes the inductive, deductive, compulsive, emotive, and social capabilities achieved at a point in time through an amalgamation of genetics, environment and social and personal experiences from birth. While artificial intelligence is limited to the availability of vast data pools, human beings learn through experience, emotional growth, and associations formed with their environment.

The creativity that humans possess is perhaps the most significant distinguishing feature between human and machine intelligence. Humans can conceptualize abstract ideas, imagine impossible futures, and engage in abstract reasoning that pushes the boundaries of innovation and artistry. AI cannot replicate this human drive for imagination and innovation; it merely mimics what it has programmed or trained to learn. 

What Is the Difference Between Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence?

Difference Between Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence

The following points compare human intelligence vs artificial intelligence:


  • Human Intelligence: The cognitive abilities to think, reason, and evaluate are innate to human beings.
  • Artificial Intelligence: The development of AI was significantly influence by Norbert Wiener, who hypothesized critique mechanisms.


  • Human Intelligence: Combines a range of cognitive activities to adapt to new circumstances.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Aims to create computers that behave like humans and perform tasks humans would typically do.


  • Human Intelligence: Relies on the memory, processing capabilities, and cognitive talents of the human brain.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Operates through the processing of data and commands.

Pace of Operation:

  • Human Intelligence: Humans are generally slower compare to AI or robots when it comes to processing speed.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Computers can process vast amounts of information much faster than humans.

Learning Ability:

  • Human Intelligence: Acquired through various experiences and situations, enabling abstract thinking and conclusions.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Learns through exposure to material and consistent practice but lacks a unique cognitive process.

Decision Making:

  • Human Intelligence: Decisions can be influence by subjective factors and not solely based on numbers. For example, in social media marketing constant decisions need to made and require human intelligence.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Decisions are highly objective, and based entirely on acquired facts.


  • Human Intelligence: Prone to “human error,” with the possibility of overlooking nuances.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Built on guidelines that can be update, allowing for consistent accuracy.


  • Human Intelligence: The mind can adapt its perspectives in response to changing conditions.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Takes more time to adapt to unnecessary changes.


  • Human Intelligence: Capable of multitasking and exercising sound judgment.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Can only accomplish a limited number of tasks simultaneously.

Social Networking:

  • Human Intelligence: Excels in assimilating theoretical facts, self-awareness, and sensitivity to emotions.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Has yet to master picking up on associated social and emotional cues.


Why Human Intelligence is Superior?

Creativity, emotional insight, and adaptability are a few ways in which human intelligence trumps artificial intelligence. David Ogilvy, the so-called “Father of Advertising,” is proof. Never has copy written better by anyone to stir emotions into full-fledged persuasion. From his famous campaigns, including the equally famous Rolls-Royce advertisement, he demonstrated a deep understanding of human nature and emotions, which is what AI cannot quite grasp. 

Though AI can analyze data and generate content, it sometimes lacks a subtle human stroke of creativity and intuition. The best AI can produce is variations upon variations, yet the emotional grounding that an Ogilvy would give to his work is irreplaceable. 

Advertising and Creativity: The Human Touch

In advertising, the touch of a human makes all the difference. Can we think of the campaigns of yore for Coca-Cola that reminded us of happiness and nostalgia? Connecting with human emotion and cultural references is something AI is highly sophisticated in its algorithms but will not replicate with the same authenticity.

Movie Ideas and Storytelling

Only humans are creative, and they dominate the world of cinema. AI can analyze scripts, suggest plot structures, and even propose dialogues, but it cannot develop original stories characterized by human emotions and cultural relevance. As an example, consider Christopher Nolan’s Inception, which studies dreaming, memory, and reality in a complicated way. This can be a little philosophical about how layered and complicated the storytelling of the movie is not something AI can conceivably do.

In addition, humans are not understand in terms of foreshadowing the paths of fear, dreams, and existential questions. A machine can never conceptualize a film in such way that resonates in the best possible way to the deepest human level. Indeed, it is within the same insane human population, with all their failings and imperfections, having the ability to conceive ideas and create imaginations stretching far beyond that with which AI will never be able to compete.


Artificial intelligence is indeed a powerful tool in the hands of human beings. A very efficient and precise, machine-but it lacks the very depth and richness found in human intelligence. AI lacks human creativity, flexibility, emotional insight, and understanding, it lacks everything human brains have. 

HI vs AI will probably never end however. We need to understand that AI will complement human abilities. But it can never replace the innate brilliance, creativity, and empathy that humans bring. In adapting to this fast-changing world. The human mind shall always reign supreme when it comes to real innovation and understanding. In the human vs AI war, the only thing that can allow AI to take over is the over-dependence of humans on AI. Let that sink in!

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